Call for Research
Arts and Culture in the MENA Region
Background & Rationale
American Friends Services Committee (AFSC) was founded in 1917 during World War I. In accordance with their Quaker faith, AFSC promotes lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith in action. It has been working in the Middle East region since 1948.
AFSC works with communities and partners worldwide to challenge unjust systems and promote lasting peace. In collaboration with local communities, neighborhoods, and working with people of many backgrounds, we nurture the seeds of change and respect for human life that transform social relations and systems. AFSC’s programs foster understanding and reconciliation, promote economic development and food security, educate the public on various social issues, and foster diversity, inclusion, and equality in communities in the United States and around the world.
As part of its activities, AFSC conducts a series of Dialogue and Exchange Programs (DEP), where Global South leaders—from the grassroots organizations, civil society, and government—come together to learn, exchange ideas, and collectively solve problems in an intimate, conference setting. The DEP enables people living in the Global South to participate in short-term, strategic seminars, conferences, training, and exchanges that cross boundaries. Our approach to international dialogue and exchange is rooted in the belief that solutions can be found within a group’s history, knowledge, culture, and resources.
AFSC will hold a DEP to explore the power and potential of cultural organizing, with a special focus on the MENA region. The arts and creativity have a special and important role in bringing people together, moving hearts and minds, and helping populations, especially young people, develop positive identities and methods of self-expression. Likewise, cultural organizing can play a pivotal role in crossing the colonial-imposed borders in MENA. Participants will discuss strategies to support networks of artists, find ways to authentically and meaningfully connect with other artists and activists, and share case studies of innovative organizing that demonstrates the efficacy of arts and culture work connected to impactful social justice advocacy.
The Research:
AFSC is seeking a team of researchers to develop research exploring the power and potential of cultural organizing, with a special focus on the MENA region. The purpose of this research is to map out the most relevant artistic and cultural practices in MENA today and investigate relations between arts, culture, and social change and the potential opportunities for arts and culture to play vital role in social change.
The research must take into consideration existing work and theories, formal and informal practices, identify formal and informal spaces, and reflect the relation dynamics of artists, organizations, and cultural activists in the region.
The findings of this research will be discussed in a regional level dialogue. During the regional dialogues, the researchers will present the results and document the discussion. The purpose of the dialogue is that participants reflect on the information presented through case studies based on their life experiences.
The regional dialogue will be a 4-day event, likely to be held in Tangier, Morocco or in another location in Morocco, in which participants previously selected will interact. In addition to discussing the findings of the research, researchers will participate as observers in the event to gather the input, feedback, and conclusions discussed by the groups to produce the final research and reports.
After the conclusion of the regional dialogue, based on the results and findings, the researchers will develop a research paper with the objective stated above laying the foundations for future research and dialogues. A possible second event, to be held in late 2022, will help us build on this research trajectory.
The research will take place in the MENA region. The exact methodology is to be determined by the research team/consultant, however, additional to a literature review, of primary and secondary sources, the researchers should conduct some structured and/or semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders who are possible participants in the convening and conduct 1-2 focus groups discussions with the targeted groups (including one women’s focus group).
Deliverables and Responsibilities
For successful completion of all deliverables, AFSC is seeking one lead researcher or consulting team in the MENA region. When conducting all required activities researchers should adhere to and observe COVID-19 regulations accordingly. The researcher must be willing to travel. The selected researchers are expected to effectively deliver the following main tasks and products:
Preparatory meeting with AFSC team and delivery of the revised research proposal with workplan and other specifications
Delivery of the Inception report with outline literature review
Feedback from AFSC and eventual meeting
Delivery of literature review
Work with AFSC team in defining pillars and themes for the convening
Online seminar program that will be held online with the participants' previous arrival to display the results of the literature review
Participation in the convening in Morocco
Summarize highlights from Morocco convening, finalize literature review, and propose 7-10 case studies from the events participants for further exploration in a possible phase 2
Provide the archive of the raw data such as interviews, notes, and recordings
Timeframe for deliverables:
Please take into consideration the following dates for the submission and preparation of your technical proposal
Task/Product Description
Orientation session held by AFSC staff regarding the DEP - End of January 2022
Revised research proposal with work plan - End of January 2022
Inception report with outline literature review - February 2022
Feedback from AFSC and meeting - February 2022
Delivery of literature review (draft version) --estimated at 20-25 pages max - End of March 2022
Work with AFSC team in defining pillars and themes for the convening - April 2022
Participation in online seminar program, that will be held with the participants prior to theirarrival at the DEP - May 2022
Participation in the convening in Morocco - June 2022
Summarize highlights from Morocco convening, finalize literature review, and propose 7-10 case studies from the event participants (that may get drafted in a possible phase 2 of work later in 2022) - One month after the event, end of July 2022
Provide the archive of the raw data such as interviews, notes, and recordings - One month after the event, end of July 2022
Required qualifications:
Teams and/or consulting firms should indicate the location of each candidate and include a detailed proposal describing the distribution of tasks.
The research proposal should include:
A technical plan and financial plan including the methodology which will be adopted by the team of researchers in conducting the research and achieving the objectives of the assignment. (2-3 pages)
Brief about the firm/team of researchers highlighting the relevant experience to the purpose of the assignment.
The researchers CVs showing their capacities and experiences in leading research work.
Sample of previous research produced by the researchers.
Applications that don’t contain all the documents will be disqualified.
The selected researchers should possess the following qualifications:
Demonstrated experience in previous qualitative research (experience in research in the area of arts and culture is an asset).
Deep understanding and knowledge of the art/culture environment and scene in the MENA region (by art scene, we consider a past and contemporary background about figurative art, cinema, music, theater, and other forms of art).
Deep understanding and knowledge of the social, political, and economic contexts in the MENA region.
The ability to read and communicate in Arabic and in English.
Adequacy of the proposed methodology and work plan in responding to this TOR.
Budget for the facilitation
The budget available for the research will be determined based on the proposals and remain valid for 30 days starting from the offer’s submission closing date.
The quotation must be detailed and based on the work mechanism proposed by the consultant.
Price offers must be exclusive of value added tax (zero tax invoices) for establishments officially registered with the Ministry of Finance; while for individuals and non-profit institutions, the offered prices will be subject to law deduction of income tax.
AFSC is not obligated to accept the lowest prices.
AFSC have the right to extend the deadline and/or re-advertise in the event of receiving a small number of offers and/or in case technical and financial committees do not select any candidate.
How to apply:
All proposed methodology, work plan and financial offers must be submitted by email to abdelsameea@gmail.com, (cc: scovic@afsc.org and SShibly@afsc.org) no later than January 15, 2021, at 5:00 PM (Jordanian time and date) mentioning in the subject: “Research - Arts and Culture in the MENA Region"