American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. Today, with international headquarters in Philadelphia, AFSC’s work is based on principles of the Religious Society of Friends, the belief in the worth of every person, and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice. AFSC has more than 100 years of experience building peace in communities worldwide and works in the following ways: accompaniment, lobbying, quiet diplomacy, economic development, and humanitarian assistance. It seeks to change situations and systems that lead to violence. Much of AFSC’s work includes support to opportunities for dialogue and capacity building led by the affected communities.
About the Program
AFSC is implementing a trauma healing program for enhanced peacebuilding in South Sudan by working directly with two (2) local partners and indirectly with 19 CBOs/FBOs in Juba, Mudri and Jur River for a period of three years. The program aims to heal peacebuilders of their secondary trauma, build the capacity of peacebuilders on primary and secondary trauma, development, and operationalization of work-based trauma healing policies, conduct advocacy and research on trauma healing and peacebuilding. Peacebuilders training on trauma healing has facilitated a process of individual trauma healing and cascade of knowledge and skills acquired to other peacebuilders within their organizations, partners and communities served. AFSC is seeking to recruit a highly qualified consultant trainer with vast knowledge, skills, and experience to carry out a four-day training for community/Faith based organization (CSOs/FBOs) on workplace trauma healing policies for management and staff from AFSC partners in South Sudan.
The consultancy Scope:
The training is expected to exhaustively cover the following areas:
• Importance of addressing trauma at workplace
• How trauma impacts work in an organization
• What’s a policy? Why it’s important? What’s included in a policy?
• Organizational analysis of existing structures and systems
• Policy development procedure
• Drafting workplace trauma healing policies and review
• Implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of trauma healing policies within an organization.
The Consultancy Objectives:
To train 32 participants from 16 CSOs/FBOs on workplace trauma healing policies for management and staff drawn from AFSC partners in South Sudan for four days. Specifically, the consultant is expected to:
• Develop and execute a four-day training on workplace trauma healing policies development for 32 participants drawn from 16 CSOs/FBOs in South Sudan.
• Support the participants in developing a road map for the development of organizational work-place policies that address secondary trauma in the workplace.
• Engage the participants in practical simulations and scenarios to develop the experience for handling challenges and obstacles to the policy process.
• Encourage participants to critically examine already existing functions and structures within their organizations and what input they can develop to support the adoption of policies on trauma.
• Encourage and facilitate group problem solving including identifying the problem, generating alternatives, selecting a solution, implementing the solution, and conducting a follow up.
• Provide participants a set of organizational policy development reference materials that should include guidelines for policy development and a participants’ Resource Package including the workshop training notes.
• Conduct pre and post training assessment of the participants
• Prepare and share a final training report
The training Workshop Should:
• Equip the participants with knowledge about the processes and structures required to develop and operationalize policies relating to trauma healing within an organization.
• Help the participants design tools and strategies to implement and operationalize a trauma informed approach into the organizations daily work.
• Enable the participants to recognize the prevalence of trauma and trauma situations within the organization and developing inclusive response mechanisms to adequately support affected staff.
• Improve the participants attitudes towards institutionalization of the policies on trauma to prepare the work environment for change.
• Enable the participants to develop work plans and time schedules for each organization on development of the workplace policy on trauma healing
Proposed period and duration of the consultancy
The consultancy is expected to run for twelve (12) days
Applicant Requirements
Qualifications of the Consultant
AFSC is seeking qualified, experienced, proactive, and dedicated expert with knowledge on workplace policy development.
Required skills and experience:
• The consultant should hold at least Masters-level training in policy research and development, social sciences, psychology, or clinical social work and Human Resources.
• Experience in policy development in trauma and trauma healing preferably in a post-conflict setting.
• Excellent training and supervision skills.
• Demonstrated success working in collaboration with multiple organizations, international experience, and knowledge of NGOs in developing countries.
• Knowledge of South Sudan Context.
• Fluency in spoken and written English.
How to apply
Application Procedure
All interested applicants who meet the required qualifications and experience are invited to submit their application including:
• Cover letter and CV
• Technical proposal that summarizes understanding of TORs and methodology
• Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee with breakdown of costs
• Three referees (one being on the most recent assignment)
The application should reach AFSC on or before 6th July 2022 at 5:00 PM and be sent to: email: